Monday, September 11, 2006

October 18, 2005

This a.m. I got up later than ever: 6:30. I dragged about rather uselessly. J.M., who leaves tomorrow, outprocessed today, and R. rigged it with her to teach me to drive an ERV. So hopefully that will happen. If not, I just pray T. is not my next driver.
I went to the Yard, as they call the kitchen behind the church, with J. this a.m. and puttered about. Then I got a ride back to the shelter to wait for J.M., who expected to be back at 1:00 p.m., but now it’s 2:20 and she’s not back.
My head is killing me. I’m on a cot I dragged outside next to the shelter so I could lay down. They were mopping the floor inside, and all our things had to be placed on top of the cots.
My head hurts and my throat is killing me.

After 10 p.m. the lights still aren’t out because some new Americorps kids have arrived. Just went to Baton Rouge with J. (who got back too late to train me) to take D., a psychotic but a nice one, and R. to the airport. Had a burger and fries at a Jack in the Box, and a pleasant time.
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